Client Stories:


Andrew & Pete from ATOMIC

Andrew and Pete Ltd - helping small businesses owners and entrepreneurs grow their business with predictable, scalable revenue

Before working with WBS

Our company is one of the most popular small business memberships, where we deliver online content, training, and support to small businesses all over the world in the areas of sales, marketing, and business growth. Once a year, we also host our annual conference, ATOMICON, in the North East.  

When we first started working with WBS, we just needed help with the basics, primarily end-of-year accounts. And while there are plenty of experience professionals who can do this, what drew us to WBS is that they were Xero experts. Working online with new tools has always been very important to us, so this was a big plus, and then when we met Dona, we were sold. We loved how approachable she was – so easy to talk to and not stuffy!  

As our business grew, we’ve needed help to manage our accounts as well as with strategic planning and cash flow forecasting. Again, WBS have proactively supported us with all of this as we’ve grown and it’s been easy and extremely valuable.  

Now, we are taking our first steps to world domination 

After more than a few years of working with WBS, we can safely say that they are the accountants that you need by your side if you want to grow. Whatever stage of growth you are, they just seem to grow with you. And with it comes more advice, more support, and more value. 

WBS have helped us manage our finances as our business has grown and the stakes have got a lot bigger, and they’ve continued to provide sound expertise and counsel. In fact, they were extremely valuable when we launched ATOMICON as they took the time to understand all the moving parts and what we wanted from it. They really have been by our side, supporting us in taking our first steps to world domination. 

As well as all of this, we love the peace of mind that we get from WBS. We trust that everything will get done on time (we don’t even worry about that kind of stuff) and we know that they will make themselves available for meetings when we need them. They even introduced us to our current bookkeeper which is another load off our minds.  

WBS understands us and our business

We are both international keynote speakers, we have our ATOMIC business, and our annual ATOMICON conference…there are a lot of different things going on, each with their own moving parts, yet WBS has kept up and continues to do so as we grow. Why? Because they take the time to really get to know us and our business. 

If you want an accountant that is nice to work with, who gets to know your business and becomes a part of your team (rather than you just seeing them once a year), you need to get in touch with Dona and Andrew. They are cool, scooter-driving accountants who are so easy to work with, and they will be your trusty sidekick if you want to take over the world.  

If we could, we would give them 17.5 stars, but 5 will have to do. 




Gives WBS ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

They really have been by our side, supporting us in taking our first steps to world domination!”

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